Friday, February 10, 2023

Why I Chose Journalism

I have always loved reading and writing. Even as a kid I was always more interested in English rather than math or science. My mom is a reading and writing teacher so I think she had something to do with it but I genuinely enjoy writing. 

I didn't know what I wanted to study in college until the week before moving in. I was going back and forth and then finally landed on journalism. I got into reading books over the summer and really liked the idea of writing my own book. I was reading books from authors like Sylvia Plath and Patti Smith and getting a lot of inspiration from them.

From reading I got a lot of motive to start writing my own books. I just didn't know what to write about because there were so many different things I was interested in.

I realized that writing a book was a lot of work and I wasn't really ready to jump into all that, so I thought about where else I could write. Journalism came to my mind right away. I had a subscription to Vogue and would read it all the time when I got a new issue.

Reading Vogue Magazine was the perfect way for me to see the style of writing they were putting into their issues as well as what types topics they were writing about 

I figured out then that that was what I wanted to do. I want to write articles not a book about things that I am interested in. I would love to do pieces on fashion, home trends, lifestyle articles and maybe even some book reviews. I want to write about so many things that could fall under the category of fashion and all things that I am interested in talking about. 

As of now I really hope to get a job for a magazine or possibly an online blog source. I want to be able to travel around as well as writing for my publisher about new trends and styles that are in. I want to be able to inspire people to try new things through my writing and maybe even have something that is specific to my writing style that readers like. 

The end goal here is to not be tied down to writing about just one topic. I want to have a broad spectrum and be able to write a piece about any new or old trends that are surfacing. 

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