Thursday, February 23, 2023

They Won't Forget Reaction

 This movie was a lot crazier than I thought. Since it was a black and white film it gave the impression that it would be boring and educational. However, I was shocked at the outcome and actually really enjoyed watching it. I was drawn to the plot the entire time just waiting to see what would happen next. 

The movie had a lot of good points about the position of the press during major events such as a murder. The big thing for me was seeing the press actually work with the cops while they were investigating to be the first ones to get the inside story. That came as a surprise to me because it made the cops look corrupt and taking bribes from a journalist. 

I liked the message that it was trying to send. It was interesting to see the inner workings of what goes on when a crime is committed. I liked hearing all the banter and seeing the police trying to figure out who did it and with what evidence. The part that I didn't like was when the detectives stormed into Mrs. Hales house and took a picture on her nightstand and used it as evidence. Taking her personal property and giving out to the public was a major invasion of privacy. 

It also shows the power of the media and how it really influences the way people think. The reporters were trying to cause a frenzy. They would publish untrue things loosely based on actual facts to try and get people against Mr. Hale. This to me symbolized yellow journalism because they were only trying to attract more readers with their headlines, not necessarily print the truth. 

Overall I really enjoyed watching this movie. I have never seen a full black and white movie before and I think it was really cool to see the difference between movies then and now. I also liked how they really emphasized the purpose of the media and how they are able to get involved in town news and crank out stories about something as crazy as a murder. 

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